Starting a new business or profession is scary, there are so many feelings of preparedness, thoughts of doubt, and the uncertainty of failure or success. It was no different for me 7 years ago when I was training as a Nurse Injector. To be honest, when I first started I was scared shitless. I remember thinking to myself, ‘This is not as easy as I thought it would be.’
Medical Aesthetics Toxin Injection Training
When I was being trained, in hindsight, I realized didn’t get enough support or hands-on practice so I left feeling more uncertain of what I was doing than when I went into the course. Two years ago I decided I wanted to help new injectors. I wanted to ensure that anyone coming into medical aesthetics had more practice and support so they would feel confident in what they were doing.
As my business, Prestige Beauty Bar Inc., grows so does the desire to share my knowledge and experience. The most rewarding part of training other injectors is seeing the progression from the first model to the last, and how their comfort level and confidence change. New injectors are so eager to learn and practice that medical aesthetics training is easy, I love providing that help, being a person they can openly ask questions to and lean on when they feel uncertain.
There are so many reasons I chose to offer training; I also have a mentorship course for more seasoned injectors. What it comes down to is really two reasons:
I love it! I have a Master's degree in Education and being able to share my expertise and see someone grasp what’s been taught and then apply it is so fulfilling.
I’ve been told I’m good at it, that’s why I do both. Having the opportunity to run my own Beauty Bar and train new injectors really fulfills me as an individual and it truly makes my life better.
Training with Sandra Wilczynska at Prestige Beauty Bar Inc.

The training offered at Prestige is Intro to Toxins and Fillers. This is a two-day program, one devoted to toxins and the second day to fillers.
What you can expect:
Two 6-hour days, starting at either 10:30 am or 11:00 am)
Day 1: Intro to Toxin - facial anatomy, injection techniques, complications, different types of toxins (different brands) and how they differentiate, practice injecting on models upper face neuromodulator (or toxin)
Day 2: Intro to filler - anatomy, injection techniques, complications, different types of filler and how they differentiate, practice injecting on models
Each day you have the opportunity to practice on a minimum of 4 models
Upon completion of the course, you will feel more confident in starting your own business, being prepared to handle complications, having a more refined injection technique, and being able to evaluate/assess a client's needs.

What’s important for those interested in the training program to know is that I too continue to seek quality training opportunities so that I can further hone my skills and pass those techniques and tips on to those I work with. The most influential training I have ever had was 1:1, that’s the motivation behind the individualized training that I currently offer. Being able to take bits and pieces from others’ experiences and then apply them to my own practice has really helped define and shape my own techniques.
In the future, I hope to find a really advanced injector that is willing to further my techniques. There are some advanced courses in London and the United States (Miami, Florida or Dallas, Texas) that I have considered but I want to make sure it’s worth my time and money. Getting hands-on practice is key as I firmly believe that improving your skills heavily rests on actually doing what is being taught.

Starting a business in the medical aesthetic industry isn’t easy, there’s a lot of competition and clients are putting a lot of trust in your ability to provide quality treatments that give desired results. That being said, just do it. Practice and get out there, if this is your passion then don’t be afraid to hone your skills.
Prestige Beauty Bar Inc provides injection training that gives you the confidence and support needed so you can help clients meet their beauty goals. Call 416-803-1991 or visit www.prestigebeautybarinc.ca to schedule your training sessions.